








In this product you’ll discover:

checkThe 3 driving factors of inbox flow (this is the best strategy for getting control of your inbox)

checkHow to work effectively with the real limitations of your brain [and why knowing this will help you prioritise more                 effectively]

checkThe ‘Re-Fuel System’… you’ll discover the 4 ways that people refuel and which suits you best

checkThe 9 biggest time hacks that can save you 90 minutes today…just one hack alone saved me 60 minutes today!

checkThe R.R.A project planning method – it’s a simple one page system that will help you get clear and motivated around                 your most meaningful projects

checkYou’ll walk away feeling energized, excited and equipped to achieve more impact and fulfillment in your life than                    ever before

Whom this is for:

checkBusiness owners and professionals who work in an office style environment

checkSmall to medium business owners who have teams that they must engage and motivate to deliver greater results

checkBusiness leaders who are feeling overwhelmed with the increase of work demands and dead lines

checkOwner operator businesses that have between 1 – 5 people  and want more leverage but not more overheads





This program is designed to move you from stage 1, 2 or 3 into stage 4, 5 and 6 of the model below.

productivity ladder model

Why I designed the Productivity Academy:

After working with some of the biggest brands in the world and facilitating thousands of coaching sessions I discovered that productivity was a theme many of my clients needed help with.

I personally did not grow up naturally productive. I’ve had to, through reading many books and attending seminars, forge my own disciplines philosophy and strategies to become productive.

I’ve shared these strategies with thousands of my clients and I noticed that even the highest performers were still improving when they implemented them. So the Productivity Academy is a result of my intention to help as many people as I could be exposed to the greatest productivity and effectiveness strategies on earth. My true desire is to add as much value as I can, so that you can make more impact and live life with a true sense of purpose.

“The program is easy to understand, engaging and eye-opening.”
- Gina



Module 1

MINDSET – Work with your brain

In this section you’ll discover:

  • How to work effectively with the real limitations of your brain [and why knowing this will help you prioritise more effectively]
  • Why productivity has nothing to do with managing time and everything to do with priorities
  • The high achievers formula for getting motivated [this will help you get out of bed in the morning energised and excited]
  • You’ll walk away informed, energised and equipped with the mindset to be mega productive.

Module 2

ALIGNMENT – Know where you’re going

In this section you’ll discover:

  • How to create “Thematic Goals” [this one exercise alone is possibly one of the most valuable processes you’ll go through]
  • The R.R.A project planning method – it’s a simple one page system that will help you get clear and motivated around your most meaningful projects
  • The secret to making your year mega productive… you’re about to carve out your calendar and make sure your most important priorities are locked in!
  • You’ll walk away with a sense of clarity, excitement and energy to get real momentum in this year

Module 3

IMPLEMENTATION – Get things done fast

In this section you’ll discover:

  • The power of focus [How to use the 3 driving forces to create a massive focus and power]
  • The 9 biggest time hacks that can save you 90 minutes today…just one hack alone saved me 90 minutes today!
  • The ‘weekly planning method’- this simple system will show you how to map your week out to get the most bang for your buck

Module 4

ENERGY – Fill your fuel tanks

In this section you’ll discover:

  • How to ride your energy wave – It’s a fantastic way of mapping out your energy during the day, so that you can optimise the best times to work and rest
  • Where your energy pockets are in the day (and how to protect them)
  • The ‘Re-Fuel System’… you’ll discover the 4 ways that people refuel and which suits you best
  • How to transition from one activity to another (this 3 step system will help you leave the office mentally, not just physically. So you can go home and be present with your family)  

Module 5

ENVIRONMENT – Design your world intelligent

In this section you’ll discover:

  • The ‘Get the Right Gear’ template – a great list of essential (and nice to have) tools in your office.
  • Why the music you play in your office will either make you smarter or dumber – and which type of music to choose
  • How to design the perfect productive environment (this will help you to install the right functional and inspirational elements in your office so you produce your best work)




Inbox Flow – Get back control

In this section you’ll discover:

  • The 3 driving factors of inbox flow (this is the high-level strategy for getting control of your inbox)
  • The 5 smart folders – these are the 5 most important folders you should have in your inbox and how to use them correctly
  • How to get ‘Decision Flow’… this will give you the skills to make faster decisions with each email, so you spend less time in your inbox and more time being productive.
  • You’ll walk away feeling clear, confident and ready to dominate your inbox!


Team Flow – Make your team Hum

In this section you’ll discover:

  • The unique reason for why conflict it is important to team productivity
  • How to put an end to dumb meetings – and the secret to creating more dynamic ones (every time)
  • The ‘Brazilian BBQ technique’… this quirky little method can double the productivity of your team on its own
  • You’ll walk away excited to start using the tools with your team and create a healthy, productive and enjoyable team environment


Home Flow – Fulfillment at home

In this section you’ll discover:

  • The ‘Home Flow Method’ – a practical template for ensuring you and your family get their most important needs met. This will make for a really happy home.
  • Why setting the right expectation for a season is crucial to your personal and family happiness
  • A simple, yet effective meal planner to ensure you feel like your meals are under control
  • You’ll walk away from this training feeling excited, confident and ready to make your home flowing!

Bonus Live Productivity Intensive: [2 tickets]

Intensive Iamges.002

With each online Productivity Academy ticket you’ll receive two tickets to a 1 day Live Intensive with Colin Boyd.

These intensives will be held in Sydney and will run at various times throughout the year.

Upon signing up you’ll receive an invite after 30 days to attend the next productivity intensive that suits your schedule.



What if I can’t make a Live intensive date?

You will have the choice of various intensives across the year, so you’ll be able to find one that suits your calendar.

Whom can I bring to the intensive?

Anyone you like. You can bring one guest. Just no animals 🙂

What will be covered at the Live intensive?

The intensive will cover similar content to the online program.  So even if you didn’t make it to one of the intensives, you’d still have all the information at your fingertips in the online program. The intensive day is designed to further increase your level of accountability and action.

How long will I have access to the online program?

The online program will be up for your lifetime.  So there really is no rush for you to complete the online content.  It’s designed to be completed in 9 weeks, but feel free to do it at your own pace.

How long can I wait before attending an intensive?

You have 18 months to attend your live intensive from date of purchase.  This would only change if under some unforeseen circumstances you are not able to make any of the dates across the year and you have communicated this to our team.

How does the refund policy work?

The refund policy is a “working refund policy”.  In other words, you have to show me that you have completed at least 50% of the worksheets and activities and have applied them in your life.  If after doing that you have seen no change in your productivity, effectiveness or personal clarity I’ll happily refund your money.  In purchasing this product you must understand that it involves work.  Don’t purchase this product if you are not willing to roll sleeves and take some action.

Are the program techniques tried and tested?

I’ve been delivering various forms of this program for five years now in major corporations across the world.  I’ve also been using these techniques with hundreds of my coaching clients.  Firstly, these major companies would not continue to re-hire me if I they weren’t seeing great results.  Secondly, the techniques have not only transformed my own life but thousands of my clients’ lives. In other words, they work, but you have to work to make them work.

“Listening to you really showed me that there is a lot that I can improve! I found valuable all the little tips and tricks that I never thought about before that can really save me time and increase my productivity – not only at work but in my personal life as well.”

- Sarah


